Hello. My name is Jim and I am a 27 year old man looking for a place to live here in Copenhagen. Anywhere in the city is of interest and I can pay max 4000 kr a month. I just lost my job thou, so rent might not be paid on time every month, but we have all been trough hard times in our lives, so I know you will understand.
I am a non smoker, I just stopped actually, or at least I don’t smoke inside, unless I am really sad, or lonely, or drunk, not that I am a heavy drinker or anything, but sometimes it’s nice to let loose a bit, but I’ll be sure to do it in the daytime, when people are at work. I don’t have an active social life, but I have many healthy hobbies, I like to cook, and love spending time in the kitchen, but I know the importance of respecting other peoples properties and I rarely break things, although it has happened on ocasion that I have dropped a plate if I get really surprised by something they say on the radio or if there are some really loud sudden noises. I have excellent hearing. I always tidy up after myself thou. Unless I have to go somewhere in a hurry or if there’s something really good on TV. I don’t make much noise, but sometimes if its a really good song on the radio I turn it up and if I am in a really good mood that day I might sing along to it, but I have great taste in music and an ok singing voice, so I don’t think it will bother the neighbours, in fact I think we could all use some more music in our lives. I have a dog, but he is very small and well behaved, sometimes he might bark, but only if he gets left alone for too long and then all you have to do is take him for a walk. Or you know, talk to him in a soothing voice. I love meeting new people and I find that I meet new friends everywhere I go. The other day I met a really nice young couple, they where walking the streets at night carrying all their belongings in plastic bags I asked them where they were going and they told me they had no where to go, no one else seemed to care thou, so I took them with me home to stay at my place. That is not something I do often, but we all know how hard it is to find a place to live in this city, so I know you will understand if sometimes I might have someone who does not have a home, to stay over, but only for a night or two. I have recently learned that we live in an interdependent unviverse and we all need a friend sometimes, so I think its important that we think of others like ourself, treat thy neighbour as thyself, like Jesus said. I am not a christian or anything, but I think some of the things he said made sense. Well, enough about me, I am looking forward to hearing from you.