3D Portrait
Order your 3D Portrait today and get it when I am done making it.
Its hard to really see ourselves,
to persive us like others persive us.
Send me a photo of yourself
and I will create a clay portrait of you.
The 3D portrait comes with a hook so you can easily put it up on your wall.
Giftwrapping is optional,
but needless to say this would make a great gift for that special someone.

The Artist is present
iAmager, DENMARK..
T shirt with photo of the artist present in Amager, Denmark.
Extra Special
Custommade Tray
with collage of you childhood and teenage pictures.

Perfect christmas gift for grandma, mom, neighobors or someone you think secretly has a crush on you.

Option 2
Option I
We all have feelings.
And sometimes it is hard to live with all of those feelings. I often feel better after I have expressed my feelings, just let it out, scream, dance, sing, punch your pillow, OR
write your frustration down, like I did,
if you dont have a gallerist
you can still buy this mug and pretent you are an artist and that you are also critical to the atist-gallerist-relationship, but that you also have a sense of humor. Guaranteed to attract female art shool students.
"FINALLY I found a use for all my old photos, and I dont have to trow them out afterall, now that everything important is online
and at the same time I made someone else happy AND
I can cross my mom off my christmas gift shopping list."

If you are feeling brave, but still a bit shy.
I will make that perfect gift for someone you really like, but you dont know if they even know you exists, and you are too shy to approach the person...
Buy this option and the artist, me, will send a custom made gift to your chooosen one, and they will have no idea you were behind it.
The gift can be a song, a sculpture, a poem
or whatever the artist feels inspired to create that day.
Take a chance, take a chance today.

We all know how hArd it can be to find a place to live. AND At some point the only thing Left TO do it to get drunk and play around with a cardboard box and just have a good old laugh about it all.
Print, edition of 30, few left.

Custom Made
Beautifully written
Hey, we all use them and we all need them....but sometimes we run out of them.
If you gotta do it, do it right.
I didn’t make a piece for this exhibition, I did not really have time, or I guess I had time, I just didn’t really get around to it. First of all my boyfriend gets home late every night and he snores very loudly, so I get about three hours of sleep each night, which means I fall asleep after I have eaten dinner everyday and wake up again around midnight and then I just have energy to watch Seinfeld until I fall asleep again. The next day I started thinking why am I even making art, maybe I should be making music instead, sometimes I prefer music over art, so then I started writing some song lyrics, but then I realized I don’t really have a great singing voice, so then I asked my roommate if we should start a rap duo, he really liked the idea and we started talking about making a music video, but then I had dinner and fell asleep again. The next day the rap idea did not really seem that good anymore and I couldn’t remember how to use the video-editing program anyway. Then I thought maybe I could make some clay sculptures, but I had spent too much money on lighters with pictures of kittens on them and had no money left for clay. I tried to make a drawing, but I didn’t think it was good enough, you know, I have always felt like it’s best to do things properly or just not do it at all. Then I wrote some poems that I think was about my father, but I don’t think any of you would get the symbolism in them, so I put them up in my kitchen, I also think personal feelings and family-stuff often gets embarrassing, when read out loud or exhibited, something is just best kept to oneself. Then I thought maybe I should paint: “You’ve still got time… to die young” or “Everything is going to be alright… if not you could always kill yourself” on the wall with big black letters, but I’ve spent ten years on being sarcastic and hating everything, it’s good fun at first, but I think it is important to know when to stop. People get tired of that shit. Then I wrote a bit on a book I am working on, but that made no sense because I would not be able to finish it before the opening, and it would be kind of weird to exhibit a book anyway, and I would not have time to get it printed and bound and make the cover art and all of that, I should also have a good author picture on the back, very cool, very sexy, but also professional and I would like to look casual- intelligent, and I should have a book release and maybe it is a bit early to write my memoirs anyway. It is ok to live a little, more, first. Then I was starting to feel a bit nauseous from all the coffee and cigarettes I’ve been smoking during the day and I had to go to Netto again and buy food, then home to make it, then I had dinner and fell asleep again. And then I had to write this text to explain, which also took some time. You could try and make some art yourself; it’s actually pretty hard.
Can also be used ironically...